All About Tequila
You’ve likely been drinking tequila improperly all these years, or even given up on it. Many of us have had unfortunate tequila nights, waking up with only a headache and regrets.
But tequila doesn’t deserve the bad rap it gets – we’re pointing the blame in the wrong direction. The problem is the way we’ve been consuming it and the quality.
The number one mistake is: tequila is not meant to be drunk like a shot, but sipped like a fine whisky or cognac.
The second typical mistake is: choosing a cheap tequila or mixing it with sugary drinks.
Tequila is known to be one of the purest liquors in the world – and so, relatively hangover-free. This is especially true of the ‘blanco’ variety – young, colorless tequila – which encapsulates the health benefits and unique flavors of the Mexican agave plants.
As the cult status grows for fine tequilas, international drinkers are no longer limited to the cheap and nasty stuff (the ‘mixto‘ kind that gives you the headache). Today, you can find many top-shelf tequilas worthy of a sip.
The world of Tequila is rich, varied and largely unexplored, with some of the best tequilas still to claim fame outside of Mexico’s border. As the tequila trend heats up, the industry continues to mature and experiment.
Despite the newer fame abroad, tequila has an old soul. The first distilled agave spirits started in the 16th century, blending indigenous agave processes with Spanish distillation techniques. This makes it one of North America’s first indigenous distilled spirits.
Today you can visit tequila’s epicenter in the Mexican state of Jalisco, right where a town called ‘Tequila’ stands today. In Jalisco, you can forage small liquor shops, full of tequila brands you’ve never heard of.
Now tequila is up there with fine wines and top-shelf whiskies, even to the tune of a $1,000 a bottle.
The Spanish rhyme about tequila explains it all:
Si no hay remedio, un litro y medio
If there’s no remedy, a litre and a half.
Translation: tequila is the solution to everything. And, if you drink tequila right, you’ll hardly notice the hangover. Not only will you want to jump on the connoisseur bandwagon, you’ll probably want to drive it, too.
Here we explain the steps to understanding the intricate world of tequila and its flavors to help you become the expert.